Artist spotlight: Pat Hamilton

Patrick AKA Paddy Hams is an illustrator and graphic designer currently based in Richmond, Virginia. He loves smart design, sweating the details, using a little humor, and taking some risks.
In addition to illustration and design, he enjoys playing and watching soccer, exploring Richmond’s many breweries, reading the occasional novel, and coming up with excuses to eat out instead of cook. You can check out his portfolio of work here and learn more about the man behind the pencil below.
How would you describe your work? What influences your process?
My work overall tends to lean towards a simple palette, a hand-drawn aesthetic, a nod to the past, and I like to add a bit of cleverness or personality to my work when I can. I'm inspired by a TON of different artists and industries, but I think my work is mainly influenced by heavy linework seen in comics and tattoos and the old illustrations that can be found on vintage packaging, sports team mascots, etc. I love work that looks like it was done by a human, still has visible imperfections, and looks like someone enjoyed making it.
What was your inspiration behind the patch design?
Ultimately, the unique, natural beauty of my state inspired the designs. I just tried to add my own personal touch to make something I'd want to wear.

What is your charity of choice?
There are so many good ones! Nolef Turns is one I heavily supported last year and this year I plan to make merchandise where all proceeds will go towards NextUp RVA, an organization that ensures middle school students in Richmond have access to quality afterschool activities related to their interests.
Anything else you may want folks to know about you, your work, and these patches?
I changed careers to pursue art and design full time and it was the best decision I ever made. I now work for myself and I had a few sleepless nights leading up to that decision, but I'm really excited for the future and I hope my work shows how much I enjoy what I do. Also, buy these patches and spread the word! They support a small business, various charities, and individual artists (and hopefully you like what we're creating).